Primary or Secondary Init Code: "svTempDisable" Temporarily disable card but run primary init Primary or Secondary Init Code: "svDisabled" Reserve -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables Driver Errors Start Manager: "smBusErrTO" BusError time out. Start Manager: "smBadBoardId" BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record. Start Manager: "smNoJmpTbl" SDM jump table could not be created. Start Manager: "smIntTblVErr" An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table. Start Manager: "smIntStatVErr" The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init. Start Manager: "smNoBoardId" No Board Id. Start Manager: "smGetPRErr" Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus). Start Manager: "smNoBoardsRsrc" No Board sResource. Start Manager: "smDisposePErr" _DisposePointer error Start Manager: "smFHBlkDispErr" Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block). AppleTalk - ATP: "sktClosedErr" Socket closed error AppleTalk - ATP: "recNotFnd" Record not found AppleTalk - ATP: "atpBadRsp" ATP bad response error AppleTalk - ATP: "atpLenErr" ATP length error AppleTalk - ATP: "readQErr" Read queue error AppleTalk - ATP: "extractErr" Extraction error AppleTalk - ATP: "ckSumErr" Check sum error AppleTalk - ATP: "noMPPErr" No MPP error AppleTalk - ATP: "buf2SmallErr" Packet too large for buffer; partial data returned Start Manager: "smFHBlockRdErr" Error occured during _sGetFHeader. Start Manager: "smBLFieldBad" ByteLanes field was bad. Start Manager: "smUnExBusErr" Unexpected Bus Error Start Manager: "smResrvErr" Fatal reserved error. Reserved field <> 0. Start Manager: "smNosInfoArray" No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error. Start Manager: "smLWTstBad" Long Word test field <> $5A932BC7. Start Manager: "smNoDir" Directory offset is Nil Start Manager: "smRevisionErr" Wrong revison level Start Manager: "smFormatErr" FHeader Format is not Apple's Start Manager: "smCRCFail" CRC check failed for declaration data Start Manager: "smEmptySlot" No card in slot I/O System: "dceExtErr" dce extension error General System Errors (VBL Mgr, Queue, Etc.): "corErr" core routine number out of range Notification Manager Error: "nmTypErr" Invalid qType—must be ORD(nmType) Start Manager: "smPriInitErr" Cards could not be initialized. Start Manager: "smPRAMInitErr" Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. Start Manager: "smSRTInitErr" Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. Start Manager: "smSDMInitErr" SDM could not be initialized. I/O System: "unitTblFullErr" Unit table has no more entries I/O System: "notOpenErr" Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened I/O System: "abortErr" IO call aborted by KillIO; Publisher has written a new edition *OR* "iIOAbortErr" IO abort error (Printing Manager) MIDI Manager: "midiInvalidCmdErr" command not supported for port type MIDI Manager: "midiDupIDErr" duplicate client ID I/O System: "dInstErr" DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources MIDI Manager: "midiNameLenErr" name supplied is longer than 31 characters MIDI Manager: "midiWriteErr" couldn't write to all connected ports MIDI Manager: "midiNoConErr" no connection exists between specified ports MIDI Manager: "midiVConnectRmvd" pending virtual connection removed MIDI Manager: "midiVConnectMade" pending virtual connection resolved MIDI Manager: "midiVConnectErr" pending virtual connection created MIDI Manager: "midiTooManyConsErr" too many connections made MIDI Manager: "midiTooManyPortsErr" too many ports already installed in the system MIDI Manager: "midiNoPortErr" no port with that ID found MIDI Manager: "midiNoClientErr" no client with that ID found I/O System: "dRemovErr" tried to remove an open driver I/O System: "closErr" Close failed; Permission to close .MPP driver was denied Sound Manager: "siUnknownQuality" Unknown quality Sound Manager: "siUnknownInfoType" Unknown type of information Mac TCP: "outOfMemory" Mac TCP: "dnrErr" Mac TCP: "noAnsErr" Mac TCP: "authNameErr" Mac TCP: "noNameServer" Mac TCP: "noResultProc" Mac TCP: "cacheFault" Mac TCP: "nameSyntaxErr" Mac TCP: "ipRouteErr" Can't route packet off-net Mac TCP: "ipNoFragMemErr" No memory to send fragmented pkt Mac TCP: "icmpEchoTimeoutErr" ICMP echo timed-out Mac TCP: "ipBadWDSErr" Error in WDS format Mac TCP: "ipDestDeadErr" Destination not responding Mac TCP: "ipDontFragErr" Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting Mac TCP: "ipCloseProtErr" Can't find protocol to close Mac TCP: "ipOpenProtErr" Can't open new protocol, table full Mac TCP: "duplicateSocket" Mac TCP: "commandTimeout" Mac TCP: "openFailed" Mac TCP: "invalidRDS" "invalidWDS" Mac TCP: "invalidBufPtr" Mac TCP: "connectionTerminated" Mac TCP: "streamAlreadyOpen" Mac TCP: "invalidStreamPtr" Mac TCP: "insufficientResources" Insufficient resources to perform request Mac TCP: "connectionDoesntExist" Connection does not exist Mac TCP: "connectionExists" Request conflicts with existing connection Mac TCP: "invalidLength" Mac TCP: "connectionClosing" Connection in closing Mac TCP: "ipBadAddr" Error in getting address Mac TCP: "ipLoadErr" Error in MacTCP load Mac TCP: "ipNoCnfgErr" Missing IP or LAP configuration error Mac TCP: "ipBadCnfgErr" Bad IP configuration error Mac TCP: "ipBadLapErr" Bad network configuration Sound Manager: "siInputDeviceErr" Input device hardware failure I/O System: "openErr" Requested read/write permission doesn't match driver's open permission, or Attempt to open RAM serial Driver failed Sound Manager: "siBadRefNum" Invalid reference number Sound Manager: "siBadDeviceName" Invalid device name Sound Manager: "siDeviceBusyErr" Sound input device is busy Sound Manager: "siInvalidSampleSize" Invalid sample size Sound Manager: "siInvalidSampleRate" Invalid sample rate Sound Manager: "siHardDiskTooSlow" Hard drive too slow to record Sound Manager: "siInvalidCompression" Invalid compression type Sound Manager: "siNoBufferSpecified" No buffer specified Sound Manager: "siBadSoundInDevice" Invalid sound input device Sound Manager: "siNoSoundInHardware" No sound input hardware available I/O System: "unitEmptyErr" Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unit table Sound Manager: "badParam" A parameter is incorrect Sound Manager: "noMoreRealTime" Not enough CPU time available Sound Manager: "channelNotBusy" Channel not currently used Sound Manager: "buffersTooSmall" Buffer is too small Color Manager: "seNoMemErr" from SetEntry I/O System: "badUnitErr" Driver ref num doesn't match unit table Sound Manager: "channel" Channel is busy Sound Manager: "badFileFormat" File is corrupt or unusable, or not AIFF or AIFF-C Sound Manager: "notEnoughBufferSpace" Insufficient memory available Sound Manager: "badFormat" Resource is corrupt or unusable [handle to 'snd ' resource was invalid] Sound Manager: "badChannel" Channel is corrupt or unusable [invalid channel queue length] Sound Manager: "resProblem" Problem loading the resource Sound Manager: "queueFull" No room in the queue Sound Manager: "notEnoughHardware" Insufficient hardware available [no more channels for the specified synthesizer] Sound Manager: "noHardware" Required sound hardware not available [no hardware support for the specified synthesizer] Color Manager: "seInvRequest" from SetEntry I/O System: "writErr" Driver can't respond to Write call General System Errors (VBL Mgr, Queue, Etc.): "vTypErr" invalid queue element Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "mapReadErr" Map inconsistent with operation Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "resAttrErr" Attribute inconsistent with operation Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "rmvRefFailed" RmveReference failed Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "rmvResFailed" RmveResource failed Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O): "addRefFailed" AddReference failed